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Matt Cookman

I've been playing music for about as long as I can remember. As kids, we used to "air guitar" to our favorite albums, and I can still remember the day my buddy said... "Hey, why don't we actually learn how to play?" It was all over from that point forward. My first instrument was/is the drums. Ah, I do love to play them drums. Many, many years of lessons, bands, etc followed. Over the years I've had the honor of playing with many wonderful artists including Ernie Hass, Doug Anderson, and others.

My foundation in the Lord was set firmly by my parents and by attending a small christian school. I learned not only to fear my Maker, but to also love my fellow man, no matter what flaws I see (as they are seeing the flaws in me).

I'm married to my lovely and talented wife Connie. If I were to list her contributions, the list would be too long to read. She is my partner in life, business, and music. She has also given me three wonderful step-children and the cutest grandkids you have ever seen.
Connie Cookman

Check out Connie's Blog for the teaching behind the songs.
Copyright 2023
Hisplace productions